16 Mei 2011

Brotawali,Putrawali,Antawali,Gedel Leaves for Treating Febrile illness and Skin Diseases and Kidney Cleanse and Heal Wounds


Brotowali including spare Menispermaceae (bamban-bambanan), who named latin Tinospora crispa (L.). People call this java putrawali or antawali or leaf gedel. The Sundanese named andawali.

The part that can used as medicine is stem / twig and leaf. Based on laboratory examination of this plant contain starch, alkoloid consisting of N-acetyl-nornuciferin, N-formyl-annonain, and N-formilnornuceferin. Besides, a glycoside furanoditerpen also found that taste bitter. At the root of the plant alkaloid berberine was also there.

As a traditional medicine stems or twigs boiled water brotowali efficacious for treating febrile illness and skin diseases, and kidney cleanse and heal wounds. Trunk full brotowali covered with skin and contains plenty of water.Decoction of stem brotowali also stimulate respiration and to accelerate the exchange of substances that can reduce the heat.

The content of berberine can kill bacteria in wounds. Another matter content used to increase appetite and reduce blood sugar levels. Brotowali rod can also be used to treat jaundice, diabetes and abdominal pain. Brotowali immersion rod can be used to clean wounds.

lanting brotowali is very easy, simply by cutting the stem and then plugged in the ground, was able to live. Pieces of stem that will be planted not long-term need, just one inch of it, but these plants prefer loose soil on and no protection. 

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