10 Mei 2011


Smoking has become a habit most people,began its officers, directors, businessmen, traders,farmers, fishermen, workers,  students, even the women and the unemployed did not want to lose. Not limited to that alone even children and teenagers were already familiar with their cigarettes are no longer shy or embarrassed in front of public.It turns out cigarette smoke has penetrated into all circles in community.Whereas if viewed in terms of health cigarettes is a harmful substance, because in addition to content of nicotine in cigarettes also contains many toxic substances that endanger human organs such as heart and lung .Not only that when viewed from an economic point of smoking is a habit of only spending money lavishly our wallets.
If you really want to eradicate smoking in public will require the cooperation and earnest efforts of governments,community leaders or scholars, and service health officer.First of government, the government in this case with authority should be able to restrict or even shut down factories producers cigarettes, because the factory is the main producer rokok.Then the government should think about and help the factories cigarette manufacturers to enable converted into non-cigarette factory which is more beneficial to society such as textile mills, food, automotive and others, although not simultaneously, but through gradual and continuous process but
certainly in addition, governments also have to think about and help tobacco farmers to change land enable the land into non-tobacco which is more useful if land eg sugar cane, rubber, cotton, pulses, soybeans, fruits, etc. whose results can later be marketed to processing plants, to the community or even outside country.A community leaders or scholars with knowledge of its capacity should be able to set a good example that is not allowed to smoke and urge people to leave the habit of smooking.While the health department and related agencies through the media that there should continue to campaign and provide guidance and counseling to the public about the importance of maintaining a healthy.If the government, community leaders or scholars and health authorities to work together with the compact is not impossible that the problem of cigarettes will soon be under control .

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