dr. Yuda Turana
Acupressure is one method that is very easy and cheap, because it only requires two hands in overcoming the pain you feel.The principle of acupressure comes from the east medical treatment, where the known presence in the body's vital energy flow (known as Chi or Qi (China) and Ki (Japan)). The flow of this energy is affecting health. When this flow is blocked or reduced then you will be sick and when this flow of free / good then Andapun be healthy. Supply and flow of vital energy the body runs on power lines that are not visible, called "meridians". Whether or not this meridian is very dependent of diet, lifestyle, environment, posture, how to breathe, behavior, body movement, exercise, mental attitude, personality, and positive attitude. So it is clear that the approach to stay healthy person should look at many factors.One technique is to launch a vital energy with acupressure, ie: pressing a certain point (known as the acupoint) by using the index finger and thumb to stimulate the flow of energy in the meridians. This technique has been used hundreds of years with very safe and effective. Acupressure is very easy to learn and it also takes a little time to implement it.Acupoint located throughout the body, close to the surface of the skin and connected to each other through a complex network of meridians. Each acupoint has a specific effect on body systems, or a particular organ. Stimulates and gently massaging that point the body's physiology changes will occur and will affect the mental and emotional state.This acupoint is a sensitive point and have a certain effect that is located along acupuncture meridians. Currently more than 360 at acupoint meridians throughout the body and now many more found additional points. Some acupoints are located near the target organ is arranged while some are located far from the target organ. Most acupoint is located bilateral / on both sides of the body, acupressure therefore performed on both sides of the body except the acupoint is located in the center of the body.Exact locations of acupoint can be seen in the illustration below. Acupoint is probably located a little inside, in between the bones, muscles, or tendons. Once you reach the area near the point illustrated, note and leave little time to feel the area with your finger-sensitive. There is always less sensitive areas and in circumstances that imbalans acupoints are usually softer than its surroundings. With the frequent and regular exercise you will be more sensitive and self-confidence will grow. The more you do this often, it's getting easier to find the location of acupoints.Acupressure TechniqueEmphasis is done with the fingertips. The emphasis at the beginning should be done gently, then gradually emphasis added strength to feel a mild sensation, but not sick. In sensitive individuals such as infants, and parents, the pressure can be made more gentle. Emphasis can be 30 seconds to 2 minutes.
In this chapter will discuss some accupoint to overcome some pain conditions such as: tension type headache, migraine, toothache, joint pain, depression and anxiety, spinal pain.Tension type headache and migraineSome points that are used to reduce headache are:1. Point located at the top of the head; meeting between the line connecting the two ears and a line drawn from the center of the nose (point 1 a). Effect: reduce tension in the head.2. Point located on the inside of the eyebrows, above the inner corner of eye (point 2 a). Effect: reduce tension in the forehead and pain around the eyes.3. Point located at the outer corner of eye (point 2 b). Effect: reduce headache, migraines and eye pain.4. Point located in the forehead approximately 1 thumb over the middle of the eyebrows (point 2 c). Effect: remove the front of head pain and blurred vision.5. Point located at the back of the head, at the boundary curve between the base of the skull with the neck muscles (point 3 a). Effect: reduce headache and stiff neck.6. Point located in the middle of the triangle formed by the bones thumb and index finger (point 4 a). Effect: reduce the headache and sore eyes.7. The point is located behind the ankle (point 5 a). Effect: reduce headache and stiff neck.8. Point located in the middle, 1 finger above hairline (point 1 b). Effect: reduces pain the front of the head and eye pain.9. Point located in the middle between the two eyebrows (Point 1 c). Effect: reduces pain the front of heads and head pain due to nasal congestion.10. Point located 4 fingers below the knee cap (point 6 a). Effect: a point of reinforcing the digestive system and reduce the pain of the head due to an imbalance of the digestive system, food intolerance, and fatigue.11. Point is located 1 thumb from the tip of the eyebrows and outer corner of eye (point 1 d). Effect: reduce pain due to migraines and eye pain.12. Point located 2 fingers above the ear (point 1 e). Effect: reduce migraine headache.13. Point located on the outside of your arm. 3 fingers from the wrist, in the hollow between two bones. (Point 7 a). Effect: reduce pain due to migraines and pain in the cheek.14. Point located above the soles of the feet, 2 fingers above the toe joints, between fingers 4 and 5. (Point 6 b). Effect: reduce migraine pain, blurred vision and eye pain.
ToothacheIn the face of regional emphasis is on the side that does not hurt.1. Point located at the front corner of the jaw bone (point 1 f). Effect: reduce pain and swelling in the front teeth.2. Point located on the cheek bone. In front of the ear hole (point 1 g). Effect: reduce dental pain, pain in the face.3. Point located in front of the elbow hand, when the elbow is bent (point 8 a). Effect: reduce dental pain and pain in the mouth.Joint healthSeveral acupoints may help nourish the joints and strengthen joints throughout the body. Some acupoints also help strengthen muscles that support joints.1. Point located at the back of the neck, parallel to the shoulder, 2 fingers on the side of the spine. (Point 3 b). Effect: a point which is very influential on the health of joints throughout the body, increase body strength, bones and joints healthy.2. Point located at the back of the knee. 4 fingers in the upper leg bone (point 9a). Effect: strong bones throughout the body, especially bone and knee joints.3. Point located on the outside of the foot, above the surface of a meeting between the two bones (point 6 c). Effect: strengthen tendons and muscles throughout the body, especially: leg joints and strengthens leg muscles.4. Point located at the highest point of the shoulder (point 3c). Effect: reduce stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders.Elbow1. 8 point a. Effects: Strengthens elbow2. Point located on the outside of the hand, 3 fingers above the wrist, in between the two bones (point 7 a). Effect: increase the mobility of the elbow and reduces pain in elbow, arms and fingers.
Wrist and hand1. Point 7 a.2. Point located between the tendons on the side of the hand, 3 fingers above the wrist (point 10 a). Reducing pain in the elbow, wrist and relaxes the muscles in the forearm.3. Point located on the outer surface of the wrist. In the indentation between the bones, if dilekukkan wrist upward, parallel to the ring finger (point 7 b). Effect: reduce pain in the wrists, palms and fingers.Spinal health.To make healthy spine can be points of emphasis for healthy joints. Coupled with some of the following points:1. Point located at the top of the shoulders, neck border (point 3c). Effect: reduce pain in the shoulder and upper back.2. Point near the elbow crease, when the elbow is bent (point 8 a). Effects: the relief of pain and stiffness in the upper body.3. The points are located at the back of the body (point 11 a). To emphasis this area points to use 2 tennis balls are inserted in a sock and put dibelang back. Effect: reduce lower back pain.4. Point located at the back of the knee, between the tendon (point 9a). Effects: the relief of pain in the legs and spine.5. Point located at the back of the ankle (point 5a). Effect: reduce pain in the spine and legs.Hip joint health1. Point located at the hip you (point 11b). Effect: increase mobility and reduce pain.Knee joint health1. The point is located below the knee, the curve of the bone (knee acupoint). Effect: reduce pain and stiffness in the knee.2. The point is located behind the ankle (point 5a): the effect of reducing pain in the knee and lower leg.Health ankle1. The point is located behind the ankle (point 5a). Effect: reduce pain and strengthen the ankle.2. Point located on the outside of the ankle and on the outside of the tendon (point 6c). Effect: reduce pain and swelling in the ankle.
Health foot1. Point located at the bottom of your foot, on the curve close to the bulge of your foot (point 12 a). Effect: reduces pain in the soles of the feet.2. The points for the health of the ankle (point 6b, 6c)).Acupoint to help you be more relaxed.Some of the acupoint on the body can make you more relaxed. Several points are:1. Point 1a. Effect: increase the concentration and balance your mind.2. Point 4a. Effects: reduced anxiety. Note: do not press this point too hard on pregnant women.3. Point near the wrist with the fingers parallel to the 5 (point 10 b). Effect: make your body relax. Is a key point to reduce any anxiety and sleep disorders.4. Point that lies between tendons, three fingers above the wrist (Figure 10a). Effect: reduce anxiety and make your body relaxed
In this chapter will discuss some accupoint to overcome some pain conditions such as: tension type headache, migraine, toothache, joint pain, depression and anxiety, spinal pain.Tension type headache and migraineSome points that are used to reduce headache are:1. Point located at the top of the head; meeting between the line connecting the two ears and a line drawn from the center of the nose (point 1 a). Effect: reduce tension in the head.2. Point located on the inside of the eyebrows, above the inner corner of eye (point 2 a). Effect: reduce tension in the forehead and pain around the eyes.3. Point located at the outer corner of eye (point 2 b). Effect: reduce headache, migraines and eye pain.4. Point located in the forehead approximately 1 thumb over the middle of the eyebrows (point 2 c). Effect: remove the front of head pain and blurred vision.5. Point located at the back of the head, at the boundary curve between the base of the skull with the neck muscles (point 3 a). Effect: reduce headache and stiff neck.6. Point located in the middle of the triangle formed by the bones thumb and index finger (point 4 a). Effect: reduce the headache and sore eyes.7. The point is located behind the ankle (point 5 a). Effect: reduce headache and stiff neck.8. Point located in the middle, 1 finger above hairline (point 1 b). Effect: reduces pain the front of the head and eye pain.9. Point located in the middle between the two eyebrows (Point 1 c). Effect: reduces pain the front of heads and head pain due to nasal congestion.10. Point located 4 fingers below the knee cap (point 6 a). Effect: a point of reinforcing the digestive system and reduce the pain of the head due to an imbalance of the digestive system, food intolerance, and fatigue.11. Point is located 1 thumb from the tip of the eyebrows and outer corner of eye (point 1 d). Effect: reduce pain due to migraines and eye pain.12. Point located 2 fingers above the ear (point 1 e). Effect: reduce migraine headache.13. Point located on the outside of your arm. 3 fingers from the wrist, in the hollow between two bones. (Point 7 a). Effect: reduce pain due to migraines and pain in the cheek.14. Point located above the soles of the feet, 2 fingers above the toe joints, between fingers 4 and 5. (Point 6 b). Effect: reduce migraine pain, blurred vision and eye pain.
ToothacheIn the face of regional emphasis is on the side that does not hurt.1. Point located at the front corner of the jaw bone (point 1 f). Effect: reduce pain and swelling in the front teeth.2. Point located on the cheek bone. In front of the ear hole (point 1 g). Effect: reduce dental pain, pain in the face.3. Point located in front of the elbow hand, when the elbow is bent (point 8 a). Effect: reduce dental pain and pain in the mouth.Joint healthSeveral acupoints may help nourish the joints and strengthen joints throughout the body. Some acupoints also help strengthen muscles that support joints.1. Point located at the back of the neck, parallel to the shoulder, 2 fingers on the side of the spine. (Point 3 b). Effect: a point which is very influential on the health of joints throughout the body, increase body strength, bones and joints healthy.2. Point located at the back of the knee. 4 fingers in the upper leg bone (point 9a). Effect: strong bones throughout the body, especially bone and knee joints.3. Point located on the outside of the foot, above the surface of a meeting between the two bones (point 6 c). Effect: strengthen tendons and muscles throughout the body, especially: leg joints and strengthens leg muscles.4. Point located at the highest point of the shoulder (point 3c). Effect: reduce stiffness and pain in the neck and shoulders.Elbow1. 8 point a. Effects: Strengthens elbow2. Point located on the outside of the hand, 3 fingers above the wrist, in between the two bones (point 7 a). Effect: increase the mobility of the elbow and reduces pain in elbow, arms and fingers.
Wrist and hand1. Point 7 a.2. Point located between the tendons on the side of the hand, 3 fingers above the wrist (point 10 a). Reducing pain in the elbow, wrist and relaxes the muscles in the forearm.3. Point located on the outer surface of the wrist. In the indentation between the bones, if dilekukkan wrist upward, parallel to the ring finger (point 7 b). Effect: reduce pain in the wrists, palms and fingers.Spinal health.To make healthy spine can be points of emphasis for healthy joints. Coupled with some of the following points:1. Point located at the top of the shoulders, neck border (point 3c). Effect: reduce pain in the shoulder and upper back.2. Point near the elbow crease, when the elbow is bent (point 8 a). Effects: the relief of pain and stiffness in the upper body.3. The points are located at the back of the body (point 11 a). To emphasis this area points to use 2 tennis balls are inserted in a sock and put dibelang back. Effect: reduce lower back pain.4. Point located at the back of the knee, between the tendon (point 9a). Effects: the relief of pain in the legs and spine.5. Point located at the back of the ankle (point 5a). Effect: reduce pain in the spine and legs.Hip joint health1. Point located at the hip you (point 11b). Effect: increase mobility and reduce pain.Knee joint health1. The point is located below the knee, the curve of the bone (knee acupoint). Effect: reduce pain and stiffness in the knee.2. The point is located behind the ankle (point 5a): the effect of reducing pain in the knee and lower leg.Health ankle1. The point is located behind the ankle (point 5a). Effect: reduce pain and strengthen the ankle.2. Point located on the outside of the ankle and on the outside of the tendon (point 6c). Effect: reduce pain and swelling in the ankle.
Health foot1. Point located at the bottom of your foot, on the curve close to the bulge of your foot (point 12 a). Effect: reduces pain in the soles of the feet.2. The points for the health of the ankle (point 6b, 6c)).Acupoint to help you be more relaxed.Some of the acupoint on the body can make you more relaxed. Several points are:1. Point 1a. Effect: increase the concentration and balance your mind.2. Point 4a. Effects: reduced anxiety. Note: do not press this point too hard on pregnant women.3. Point near the wrist with the fingers parallel to the 5 (point 10 b). Effect: make your body relax. Is a key point to reduce any anxiety and sleep disorders.4. Point that lies between tendons, three fingers above the wrist (Figure 10a). Effect: reduce anxiety and make your body relaxed
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