Level of social demand for treatment increased. While the living standards of our society is not possible to conventional treatment with high cost.So the traditional treatment is a good solution to tackle the problem. Traditional medicine has no side effects if its use is not excessive and the right in its processing.Needs flowers and ornamental plants for art and beauty tends to increase 10% per year. This amount of course continue to grow with the utilization of flowers and ornamental plants as medicinal plants and industrial plants.However, its use for health is not well known. This is due to lack of information.In health, flowers and ornamental plants basically been used by our ancestors. Unfortunately, it does not develop and supplanted by conventional drugs / chemicals.As a country that has tens of thousands of species of flowers and ornamental plants, was fitting we can optimize pengguaannya. Just a few types of flowers or ornamental plants that have been utilized in the industrial world, especially health.Among other things, aloe vera, which has been made in the form of fresh drinks. In addition, the chrysanthemum tea, jasmine tea, lavender flowers are used as antinyamuk, and others.There are many types of flowers that have not dimanfaatan efficacious drugs for treatment, such as roses. Asirinya oil used as perfume ingredients. In addition it is also efficacious blood circulation, relieve swelling, normalize the menstrual cycle and others.The root / rhizome of lotus and flowers bugna nutritious chicken's comb to stop the bleeding.Flowers knob berkahasiat overcome asthma. Bulbs of lily efficacious for the treatment of lung disorders, Chinese medicine sold in stores under the name pahap.There are many other kinds of flowers and ornamental plants which have medicinal. To know the different types of medicinal interest existing at the book Encyclopedia of Plant Efficacious Drugs Indonesia Millennium volume I consists of 50 types of medicinal bugna.
For example:
Flowers knob: Gomphrena globosa L. Benefits: - Asthma bronchjial - Chronic bronchitis, whooping cough (pertussis) - Hot on the child. - Urinate noncurrent - Dysentery.
Sunflower Efficacy of interest: - High blood pressure (hypertension) - Headache, dizziness. - Stomach pain, painful menstruation (dysmenorrhea) - Inflammation of the breast (mastitis).
Sunflower, efficacious of interest, marrow stem and base interest, until the seeds.
Savor marrow from stem and base of the flower (receptaculum): - Stomach cancer, esophageal cancer. - Stomach pain - Dispose of urine, difficult and painful - Urine contains blood (hematuria) Efficacy of seeds: - Lack of appetite, lethargy - Dysentery contain blood. - Stimulate spending rash (redness) on measles.
Roses: Rosa chinensia Jacq - Irregular menstruation, menstrual pain - Coughing blood. - Peranakan down after giving birth. - Bleeding of pregnancy. - Swelling hit / hit.
Glass Plate Savor the fruit: - Hepatitis. - Sore eyes (conjunctivitis) - Nosebleeds, vomiting blood, urine containing blood. Savor its roots: - Jaundice, hepatitis - Dysentery with blood and mucus - A fever accompanied by delirium Efficacy of interest: - Cough. Savor the leaves: - Fever, mouth ulcer - Heart palpitations.
Aloe Vera: Aloe vera L. Usefulness: - Diabetes (diabetes mellitus) - Headache, dizziness. - Whooping cough. - Hemorrhoids, constipation. - Luka burned, scalded, internal injuries. - Hair fertilizer.
Jasmine: Jasminum sambac [L.] Ait. Usefulness: - Inflammation of the red eye - Fever, headache. - Influenza, diarrhea - Shortness of breath.
Water boyfriend Efficacy of seeds: - Peluruh menstruation - Upper digestive tract cancer. - Easing childbirth. Efficacy of interest: - Peluruh menstruation. - Rheumatic arthritis, skin inflammation, ulcers, swollen devastated. Savor the leaves: - Whitish (leukorea)
Siantan Efficacy of interest: - High blood pressure (hypertension) - Menstruation is not regular, do not come menstruation. Savor its roots: - Pulmonary tuberculosis - Cough, coughing up blood (haemoptysis)
Tread Dara: Catharanthus roseus G. Don. Benefits: - Leukemia, lymphosarcoma - Bleeding due to decreased platelet counts. - High blood pressure (hypertension) - Diabetes (diabetes mellitus)
Lotus: Nelumbo Druce Nelumbium. Savor root / rimpangnya: - Coughing blood, vomiting blood, nosebleeds - Dysentery, diarrhea, bloody urine pee - Inflammation of the uterus. Khaisat seeds: - Difficult to sleep (insomnia), restlessness, lethargy not excited. - Whitish (leucorrhoea)
Nature is reasonably utilized for the benefit of man, of course without damage and still maintain its sustainability. It all requires qualified human resources and facilities are adequate.
Flowers and ornamental plants is a natural resource that should be explored its benefits. Aside from being a decoration as well as for health. Back to nature with flowers and ornamental plants, is a good way of tackling health problems, especially for underprivileged maysarakat taking conventional medication.
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